Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pregnancy Wednesday: 11 weeks


Holy Moly!  11 weeks!  So crazy!  I can just see that second trimester on the horizon!!!  How is that possible?  June seems sooooo far away, but at the same time this pregnancy is just flying!!!

I am still feeling great!  A little tired still here and there but not all of the time!  The urge to pee every 5 seconds seems to be fading a little.  I am now able to sleep longer than 2 hours at night without getting up to pee!  YAY! And other than those two MINOR complaints, I have no other complaints!

It is kind of strange, I keep forgetting that I am pregnant.  It will just not occur to me for a little bit and then it will all come back.  I think it is because I feel so good!  However, I am now definitely needing pregnancy clothes!  At home, I wear sweats and a t-shirt so I don't notice it as much.  But going out, yeah, the pre-pregnancy pants just don't cut it!!!

No crazy cravings this week.  Just that I cannot get enough fruit.  Yum.  Doesn't matter what fruit, just give me any and all fruit!  And salads.  I am looking forward to making my salad at lunch today!!!  Hey, if the baby is going to crave fruit and salad...bring it!!!  Better than cakes and cookies...which I can also eat anytime!!! :)

The other funny part of all of this is Miss A.  She is still grasping to understand all of this.  Her new favorite toy is my "Pregnancy Week by Week" book.  This was my favorite book during my pregnancy with her and still is my favorite.  I like it better than "What to Expect."  I recommend this book to any and all expectant moms out there!  You can buy it from Barnes and Noble here.  Anyway, Miss A has latched onto this book as HERS.  It is so cute!  She sits on the couch and flips through the book like she is reading it like a big girl.  When she can't find it, she comes to me and says "My book?"  It is HER book.  And I don't mind, because I have it on my Nook too, so if she ruins it, oh well!  She learned very quickly that those pictures are babies.  She will point and say "dady."  She has her b's and d's backwards.  So I have been trying to explain to her that there is a baby in mommy's tummy too.  She just looks at me like I am nuts.  When I get bigger and she can feel the baby kick, I think it will be more real for her.  It is just so fun to watch all of this through her eyes and try to help her understand.

The weeks are just flying by!  Hard to believe that I am almost out of the first trimester and will soon be in the second!

If you are pregnant, trying, or just had a are you feeling?


1 comment:

  1. Congratulation on your pregnancy. At this point in time you will more experience regular morning sickness. According to medical doctors, expecting women experience constant morning sickness and also regular queasy feeling daily. If you have not missed a morning without vomiting and feeling sickly, then maybe the answer to how many weeks is a pregnancy you’re in is 11 weeks. Another pregnancy symptom to watch out for is the sudden food cravings. All of a sudden you experience weird food cravings and food aversions. For instance, you might start hating your favorite food or vice versa. In this case, then you are in your first two weeks of pregnancy. But, to be able to confirm these allegations, you must do a pregnancy test right away.
